MLF цифровая маркетинговая платформа

Vertical header corn machine

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Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Dezhou
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Описание продукции

The harvesting process and structure of harvesting corn plants to harvest corn, so that harvesting corn, like harvesting wheat and rice, can achieve complete harvesting, while the harvested straw is clean and soil-free.

When the silage is harvested, the straw and the corn ear are treated in two ways (the straw is fed into the straw processor, the silk is cut, or cut, and the ear is crushed into the grain by the grain breaking machine), and the respective processing and processing techniques are not interfered with each other. The size, so that the straw chopping can be adjusted as needed, the grain breaking rate is almost 100%.

At the same time, because the straw chopping is less than 30% less than the traditional horizontal corn machine straw on the market, the power consumption is small. According to the above principle design, this new principle of corn harvester is very good to solve the above four problems of the current corn machine.

The basic principle of small harvesting loss of vertical harvesting table is that the straw with the ear is running perpendicular to the horizontal running direction during the running of the vertical picking roller. When reaching the vertical picking roller, the ear is in its own weight and picking. Under the combined action of the squeezing roller, it is equivalent to the principle of artificial “waxy corn”, which can easily “smash” the corn ear, greatly reducing the “root” loss when horizontally picking the ear; In addition, the ear falls down into the transverse trough under the action of its own weight, avoiding the loss of “granulation” and “collision”. Moreover, even if it is slightly "rooted", the fallen kernels fall directly into the transverse conveying trough below the vertical picking roller, and the ear is transported to the threshing device and will not be thrown into the ground to cause loss.

Based on the above analysis, the ear loss of the vertical corn header is 70%-90% smaller than that of the horizontal harvesting table.











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